The RAPP Center was founded with the help of the the Mercator foundation via the MERCUR project St-2014-0040.
Research in the RAPP Center is supported by the Research Department of Plasmas with Complex Interactions. Principle investigators of the RAPP Center further appreciate the support from BMBF, DFG, and NRW via the following structured programs:

  • DFG:

  • BMBF:

    • IceCube (RAPP-PIs: Elsässer, Franckowiak, Rhode, Tjus)

    • CTA Verbundforschung (RAPP-PIs: Elsässer, Franckowiak, Rhode, Tjus)

    • Auger Verbundforschung (RAPP-PIs: Kampert)

    • LOFAR/MeerKat Verbundforschung (RAPP-PIs: Elsässer, Dettmar)

    • FAIR-PANDA Verbundforschung (RAPP-PIs: Wiedner, Fritsch)

  • NRW-Centers:

    • B3D (RAPP-PIs: Dettmar, Elsässer, Rhode),

    • NRW-Fair (Spokesperson: Wiedner; RAPP-PIs: Epelbaum, Franckowiak, Hildebrandt, Kampert)